المواد المانعة للتسرب والتآكل

الحماية من التآكل، مثل الطلاءات والمثبطات، أن تقلل من الحاجة إلى الصيانة والإصلاح المتكرر، مما يوفر الوقت والمال. حيث أن التأثير البيئي: يمكن أن يؤدي التآكل إلى إطلاق مواد خطرة، مثل الرصاص وغيرها من المواد الخطرة على البيئة.


Heat Shrinkable Sleeve

There is no need to heat up the steel surface before applying the two layers of shrink sleeves. <br>Strong shrink sleeves Even in hot weather, two or three layers provide dependable protection. <br>Heat-shrinking sleeves made of butyl The special butyl rubber coating of Layers 2 or 3 allows them to self-heal any small mechanical damage to the coating.

Petrolatum Tapes

utilized to avoid corrosion on complexly shaped metallic construction components or on uneven surfaces when building pipelines, power plants, and other infrastructure. <br> Even in less typical uses, such as sealing thermally insulated metal sheet encasements around hot or cold pipelines at temperatures as high as +80°C (+176°F), as a galvanic isolation layer.

Anti-Corrosion Tapes

PE/butyl tapes and mastics are used to field joints, complete pipeline coating jobs, and rehabilitation projects. <br> Anti-corrosion tapes are simple to apply and don't require any instruments. <br> Additionally, they are self-amalgamating, fusing layers together to form a protective hose that is oxygen- and water-tight. Depending on the required thickness, temperature range, and type of approval, it can be utilized in a variety of applications. <br> Tapes can be provided in a variety of conventional sizes and colors. <br> Additionally, systems with one or two tapes.

Corrosion Prevention Primers

Solvent-based A primer is a necessary component of any tape system.<br> Before wrapping tape over the metal surface and the nearby industrial coating, primer is applied. <br>It provides the best possible tape adhesion and greatly strengthens the peel's resistance to cathodic disbondment. <br>The Portfolio was designed to withstand both warm and cold weather, as well as exceptionally high temperatures of up to +100°C (+212°F)

Corrosion Protective Tape system for water Pipelines

Especially for pipe coating, welded seam coating, and restoration, especially under severe mechanical pressures.<br> We provide the right products and promise excellent flexibility and strong adhesion on surfaces. <br>UV resistance guards against mechanical stress on the casing. It is possible to combine appropriate tape thicknesses to make application simple, especially around molded pieces and curves.

Corrosion Prevention system horizontal directional drilling (HDD)

It is made out of a two-component polyurethane coating that is applied to pipes placed using trenchless installation to permanently prevent corrosion at welding seams. <br>Excellent stretch and bending strength, along with remarkable hardness and abrasion resistance, define HDD's corrosion protection. <br>It is perfect for covering welding seams on pipelines and pipes built by the (rocket) pipe-plough method or horizontal directional drilling (HDD).

منتجات المواد المانعة للتسرب والتآكل

ميزات المواد المانعة للتسرب والتآكل


هناك الكثير من المزايا للمواد المانعة للتسرب والتآكل في مختلف الصناعات، مثل زيادة الإنتاج

جدولة التنفيذ

من السهل اختيار مواد مانعة للتسرب ومقاومة للتآكل تفي بجدولك الزمني بشكل مثالي

القوة والمرونة

نقدم مواد مثالية في القوة، ومرنة للعمل في البيئات المختلفة، لأن هدفنا منع التسرب والتآكل.


نحن نوفر مواد التسرب المضادة للتآكل في مجموعة متنوعة من المستويات لتناسب احتياجات العملاء.

نتطلع إلى سؤالك

نحن منفتحون على كافة الأسئلة، الاستفسارات، ومهتمون بتقديم يد المساعدة، ولا نمل من ذلك أبدا.